Go with the FamilyGo for the CultureGo for your HealthGo for the Kava!Welcome to Fiji with a kava ceremony entering villages. From less formal kava ceremonies for guests at some resorts, etiquette demands bringing gifted kava as respect to the village. Traveling with a group, it is prearranged to present kava to the chief and mataqali (village elders)!
Kava Etiquette. SAY "Bula" then clap your hands once before accepting your drink.
. After drinking the cup (bilo) of Kava (one gulp only-no sipping) hand the bowl back to the person who presented it to you and clap with cupped hand three times again. (clapping sound should be hollow, not sharp) . Terms of Endearment: "low tide" - a small cup of Kava; "high tide" - filled cup of Kava. . It is acceptable to decline Kava -put your hand up and shake your head when it is presented to you. It is no insult to your host/no explanation needed. |
Fijian Alphabet Pronounciation
A is pronounced as ‘ah’ as in ‘car’ E is pronounced as ‘eh’ as in ‘head’ I is pronounced as ‘ee’ as in ‘see’ O is pronounced as ‘oh’ as in ‘or’ U is pronounced as ‘oo’ as in ‘moon’ B has a subtle ‘m’ sound before the ‘b’ sound, ‘mb’ like in ‘bamboo’ C Is pronounced ‘th’ as in ‘thanks’ D has a slight ‘n’ sound before the ‘d’ sound, similar to ‘sand’ G is pronounced as ‘ng’ as in ‘rang’ Q A noticeable ‘g’ sound, as in ‘angry’ * The Bauan dialect, Eastern Fijian language is spoken on Bau, a very small island off the south-east coast of Vitilevu (main island of Fiji), almost entirely occupied by three villages (Bau, Soso, Lasakau) - a total population of less than 1,000.
Now that you’ve got the basics, give these common and useful Fijian words and phrases a try! Category Word/ Phrase Word & Pronunuciation Meaning Grettings: -Hello Bula (mm-boo-lah) Meaning ‘hello’, Bula is a wish for ‘life’ and ‘good health’ and can be used at any time of the day. -Good morning Yadra (Yahn-drah) Say this instead of Bula if you meet someone in the morning. -Goodbye Moce (moh-theh) Use to farewell someone in Fijian. It can also mean ‘to sleep’. -See you again! Sota tale (So-tah Tah-leh) A common farewell expression if you’re plannning to meet the person again. |
Basic Etiquette
-Please Kerekere (Keh-reh-keh-reh) Use to politely request someone’s help or to use something. -Thank you Vinaka (vee-nah-kah) Meaning "thank you." A simple must-know for showing appreciation. -Excuse me Tulou (too-low) Respectfully bow your head, stoop slightly and say this when passing someone in a house or crowded space. Common Phrases -Yes Io (‘ee-oh’) Meaning yes – a simple but useful word -No Sega (Seng-ah) Meaning ‘no’- a simple but useful word Introductions - My name is…Na yacaqu o (Nah yah-tha-goo- or) Add your name to the end of this phrase. Eg. If your name is John, say "Na yacaqu o John." - I’m from… O au mai… (O-yau-my) Add the name of your country to the end of this phrase. Eg. If you’re from Australia, say “O au mai Australia” Common Questions and Statements Where is..? I vei na…? (E-vey-nah) A handy phrase to use when you want to know where something or someone is. -What’s this? A cava qo? (Ah thah-vah-goh?) Say this phrase and point to something close to you that you want to know the name of. -How much..? E vica (E vi-tha?) - I want to go… Au via lako… (ow vee-ah lah-koh) Add the name of a place at the end of this phrase. -Town: Tauni -Store: Sitoa Exclamations -Excellent! Wananavu! (wah-na-na-voo) Say this to express that you are pleased with something. -Beautiful Totoka! (Toh-toh-kah) Say this to describe something that you think is pretty or beautiful (eg, view, dress, girl etc). -No worries Sega na leqa! (Seh-gha na le-ga) Meaning all is well or no worries. Just enjoy the moment. Go ahead…start with Bula and you are guaranteed to make a new Fijian friend. |
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